The benefits of training in a group are boundless. This is especially true for football specialists. The value of interaction and feedback from coaches and players alike cannot be overestimated. Camp environment promotes a heightened focus and uplifting enthusiasm. It transports a player from an isolated practice regimen to a place that reveals just what is possible and validates scientifically proven techniques and training principles.

A significant element of confidence is absolute belief in the player’s knowledge of the skill. A confused mind says “no” and performance suffers. When a group of highly motivated athletes with common goals come together, it creates an atmosphere that elevates all…..where anything seems possible. The overnight camp format further enhances the total experience. That’s why the professionals do it.

The camaraderie of football specialists is unique. Placekickers, punters, and even long snappers, still today, do not receive the appreciation and respect they deserve. The camp environment reinforces the fact that specialists have the toughest and most demanding positions on the field. No other position places itself on the line more than the specialist. It takes guts.

At camp, it’s clear just how much the NKS staff really enjoy working with each and every player. We take your trust and commitment very seriously. We are psyched to help players reach their goals, not only at camp, but throughout the year. No one does more for their players than National Kicking Service. It’s what we do.

Nationwide Summer Kicking Camps, Punting Camps, and Long Snapping Camps

To unlock your full potential in kicking, punting, and long snapping, follow the NKS Website Game Plan!

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